BEGIN Bigin "Organic Shredded Pork" and "Pork Cocky", gluten, free, sweet, low sodium, high protein, no preservatives.

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Price in points: 169 points
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???? "Shredded pork", free gluten formula for children 8 months or more.
*Loss information: There are soy products. Children can eat ????
High protein confused .... Use 200 grams of fresh pork in 1 bag.

Quality grade shredded pork From organic pork, all crispy, fragrant, mellow, sweet, little sodium, without wheat flour. No preservatives, not using high protein oil, low fat for children and health lovers of Begin's unique formula and health lovers.

-Use fresh pork. BR> -No MSG does not contain MSG.
-no Preservative does not have preservatives. BR> Mixture: Organic pork, sugar, white soy sauce.

Weight 120g

============= "Pork Togi", free gluten formula for children 12 months or more. Children are allergic to eat ???? Fu, delicious, tasty, hand -handled.
High protein. Confused .... Use 200 grams of fresh pork in 1 bag. From organic pork, all crispy, fragrant, mellow, sweet, little sodium, without wheat flour. No preservatives, high protein, low fats for children and health lovers of Begin's unique formula.
And people
-use 100% organic pork. -Glute 100% without wheat flour.
-No Preservative. No preservatives. Pork, sugar, white soy sauce.

Weight 120g


Delivery pork, sugar reduction formula 80% .... Fuf frame, easy to eat. Very tasty‼ ️ For children 8 months or more.
100%free gluten powder. Pork
Formula without wheat flour Children allergic ???? Fluffy frame, delicious, little sugar, sodium.
High protein. Confused .... Use 200 grams of fresh pork in 1 bag. From organic pork, fragrant, crispy, mellow flavor, sweet, little sodium, without wheat flour No preservatives, high protein, low fats for children and health lovers of Begin's unique formula.
And people
-use 100% organic pork. -Glute 100% without wheat flour.
-No Preservative. No preservatives. Whew white.
Weight 130 g


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