Cafe R'ONN Coffee Caps, 100% Arabica, black roasted 50/bag, can be used with the Nespresso ®*

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List price: ฿890
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Café R'ONN hot coffee, modern, modern options for fresh coffee, packed in a capsule style. Is a 100 percent authentic coffee beans from Arabica coffee beans, which are north on the mountain range, about 1400 meters higher than the sea level in the north of Thailand. Which is famous and is regarded as the best source of the leading Arabica coffee seeds in Thailand Meticulous since harvesting by experts Control the production process (roasted seeds), original, using modern tools International standards To maintain the quality and fragrant flavor Arabica Coffee Coffee Coffee Capsules Arabica 100% can be used with Nespresso®* Caps, Black Dark Roasted, 100% Black Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark, 100% Black Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark. Black and cold coffee, add sugar milk Still flavoring the aroma, intense coffee, authentic coffee, high quality fresh coffee From the north.
*Nespresso® trademark belongs to the third party and is not related to Café R'ONN or the KHK World: Please Beware There Are Differen size of Coffee Capsules. Work Only with Nespresso Machines or Nespresso Compatibles Machines.our Capsules ARE 100% Compatible Witch All Nespresso® Machines Including But

Inspresso® Presso® Pixie and Pixie Clips ®
NESPRESSO® Lattissima, Lattissima Touch®, Lattissima Pro®
Nespresso® Essenza
Nespresso® Citiz, MAESTRIA. , Milano, piccolo.
Compatible with the Cafelane and MyCoffee ® System.* Disclaimer
Nespresso® is a registered trademark of socialké desnes nestlé S.A.The. ORized, or Sponsored Bynespresso®, Nor Have they been Reviewed Tested or Certified by Nespresso®.Nespresso® Trademark Belongs to A Third Party and is No Way Associate Withcafé R'ONNBRAND NORK WORLD LTD.All Brand. Pective Owners, and Are not Intended To Imply Any Endorsment Or Direct A Direct A Direct with Coffee Capsules Direct. EES In the Country. Café R'Onn is Made of 100% Hand-Picked Arabica Beans, Theen Roasted Using the Traditional Methods in Order to get the very well. Nespresso® U and U Milk®
Nespresso® Inissia
Nespresso® Pixie and Pixie Clips®
Nespresso® Lattissima Touch®, Latttsima Pro® , KMIX, MAESTRIA
Compatible with All Caffeluxe Machines: Verona, Torino, Milano, Piccolo. ED Trademark of Société DES PRODUITS Nestlé S.A. The Productsand Services Displayed Are not Associated, AffilIated, Endorsed, OR SPONSORD BYNESPRESSO®, NOR HAVE DENTETED TESTIFED ORIPRIFID BESPRESSO ® Belongso -Belongsok Belongska Belongs for Y and is no way associated withcafé r'onnbrand nork World LTD.All Brand Names, Logos, Trademarks and Copyrights Are Property of Their Respect, and are not intended to Imply Any Endorsment or Direct A Direct Witch Coffee Capsules.


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