Divide the Mac Lipstick Mac Lipstick for sale in the jar. Free 100% free lip brush

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Price in points: 299 points
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The shop has dozens of Mac lip, gradually selling. Divided for sale in a jar with a lip brush for free. Reflecting the true beauty with the beautiful lips, dominating the hearts of girls Arrived all over the world There are more shades to choose from than a hundred shades.

There is a texture to choose from. As follows. Ready to add moisture throughout the day. The pigment is beautiful, clear, long lasting. The color is tight for a long time. And provides long -lasting results without making the lips dry, flaky. The color is tight, long lasting.

Satin Lipstick - satin lipstick. The texture is soft, smooth, but the color is intense. Medium-high coverage level For satin.

Retro Matte Lipstick - Matt lipstick that gives a smooth, comfortable touch, lips Ready to give a long -lasting results for 8 hours without making the lips dry, flaky. Very worthwhile. >

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