EGCG Giffarine EGCG Green Tea Extract Metabolism

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The benefits of green tea are as follows.

1. Helps to reduce obesity With the mechanism of stimulating the oxidation (Stimulants Fat

Oxidation). There is a research report that supports EGCG that increases the energy metabolism of fat tissues. And there is a report in people that Can help reduce obesity (reference at 5-8). In addition, there are research that makes Thai people By dividing those who are overweight into two groups Received green tea extract and fake drugs Green tea group weighs less than 2.7, 5.1 and 3.3 kg in weeks 4,8 and 12 of research.

2. Helps reduce blood fat. Even if not much to reduce the blood in the blood But there is a good research supporting two research.

In the research, it was found that When eating foods that are high in fat Drinking a medium or large amount of tea together Will significantly reduce the amount of triglycerides in the 6 hours after eating and drinking tea By decreasing to increase the level of triglycerides in the blood up to 15.1-28.7% (reference 10). Another research found that Those who drink about two cups per day Able to reduce cholesterol slightly (119.9 to 106.6 mg/don), but there is a clinical important

3. Helps to get clogged blood There are research reports that The essence of green tea can reduce the tense of

capillaries. Reduce sediment (Plaque) in capillaries Resulting in the incidence of myocardial infarction and paralysis from the blood vessels (Stroke). In addition, EGCG is also an inhibitor of the oxidation of cholesterol. Resulting in reducing the occurrence of the blood vessels (Atherosclerosis) and reduce the incidence of
Pulmonary thrombosis as well. Not long ago, an epidemic research in Japanese people found that those who drink green tea will reduce the occurrence of stroke, both the Cerebral Hemorrhage and the Cerebral Infarction.

4. Against free radicals And anti -anticancer. Green tea affects the
inhibiting many types of cancer, both in humans and animals. Because it has a lot of antioxidant effects From the reliable research analysis of Cochrane Database, the latest published 51 research around the world. Despite the limited number of research It was found that drinking green tea reduced the incidence of liver cancer. Luko cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer

There are also additional research that Drinking large amounts of green tea also reduces the occurrence of uterine cancer (Endometrial Adenocarcinoma), breast cancer and gallbladder cancer as well. The more hot the middle, the more But found to reduce the occurrence of esophageal cancer in Asia and for Asian people Other hot food will increase the occurrence of esophageal cancer. Therefore, the best way is If drinking hot tea, it should not be too hot. And can affect many types of cancer Research in cancer cells of people found that Green tea extract can inhibit the growth. And destroy the cancer cells of these people, including stomach cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma Hodgen Human High-Grade Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Human Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Gland cancer Brain cancer type Medulloblatoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer caused by bamboo, Human melanoma, pancreatic cancer. Lymphoblastoid B cells, Myeloid Leukemic Cells, B cell, Multiple Myeloma and HL 62 and HL 62 Oral Carcinoma Cell Carcinoma Bile duct cancer Mosquito cancer

Green tea has a small precaution. First of all, green tea contains caffeine. Which has a nerve stimulation Makes it not sleepy Therefore it is recommended that you should not eat tea or coffee before going to bed. Because it will cause insomnia And should not be consumed in children In addition, should not drink very hot tea. (Because it may increase the esophageal cancer From the Middle East Research Even in Asia reduces this cancer)

EGCI Green Tea Extract has the same benefit as drinking good quality green tea, but there will be caffeine in The very small amount is only 0.05 mg, which is less than 900 times less than green tea that brewed drinking, resulting in no effect on nerve stimulation. Or not sleeping in any way And there is no danger or the risk of cancer increased by drinking hot tea as well Makes us fully benefit safely. Free

Product code 41006
Net quantity: 30 capsules
Total Weight: 40 grams
Number: 1 bottle
360 baht member price
Full price 480 baht.
#EGCG EGCG Green Tea Giffarine Lose Weight Disgerum#EGC GMAX Giffarine Giffarine EGCG MAXX Green Tea Extract helps lose weight.


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