[Free delivery] Facial cream, red algae, Astazantin Giffarine, Astaxanthin Giffarine, reduce wrinkles. Facial moisturizer

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Red Seaweed Astaxanthin Cream, the latest skin care cream from Giffarine Stop every wrinkle of the age. Combining the excellent performance of




with concentrated cream Soft, soft touch Allow your skin to be a special work. For the results of youthful skin Pulling, smooth, smoother, more soft than ever. With shallow wrinkles that fade away in 14 days and wrinkles that are clearly reduced.

Currently Have scientific research Study the efficiency of various antioxidants. Found that

Astaxanthin (Astaxanthin) has a stronger antioxidant ability. >
Better than vitamin E 550 times.

550 times better than green tea.

better than Alpha Lipoic Acid 75 times.

40 times better than beta carotene.

Better 17 times grape seed extract.

Net volume: 50.00 grams.

Total weight: 175.7 grams


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