Giffarine Spirine Giffarine Spirina, high quality, high quality amino acid, iron, folic, red blood cells, degenerative fat in the blood.

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Price in points: 268 points
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Interesting things about Spirulina
Spirulina Is a very small spiral seaweed Until having to watch with a microscope It is one of the most diverse food supplements in the world. Spirulina is a complete source of protein. That is fully equipped with 8 types of bodies that are essential to the body (amino acids, essential, isothel, leucene, Lycene, methonine, Facebook N, Tree Nine, Valen) and more than 10 other types. These complete proteins are in easy digested images. Absorbed quickly into the body Spicy seaweed also contains essential fatty acids and a good source of iron and folic acid, which is important for red blood production. Spirulina is also rich in minerals that help slow down the deterioration of the body. And reduce the risk of cancer, such as beta carotene, vitamin E, zinc and silion, which also helps to reduce blood fat levels. Spirulina is a plant nutrient. It is an excellent food for those who eat vegetarian and vegetarian. Because there is a high protein And contains vitamins that help prevent anemia (Which may be found in people who eat vegetarian and vegetarian food) nutritional value compared to other foods-with 3-4 times higher protein than beef than eggs 4-5 times.
-Amino acid All 8 types that the body cannot create itself completely.
- There is beta carotene. Which is a source of vitamin A With 20-25 times more than carrots. When compared to weight with other foods. 12 which helps to enhance memory And helps prevent anemia Most people consume vitamin B12 from animal liver only. But in the spaulina algae, there are more than 2.5 times the vitamin B12 of the cow's liver, so aside from being a good brain food It is also an excellent food for those who consume vegetarian and vegetarian food. Helps to prevent heart disease
Spirulina How does our body affect?
1. Antiviral anti -virus and reduce carcinogens. (Antimutagenic)
2. Helps to stimulate and strengthen immunity.
3. Reduce blood fat Both cholesterol Triglycerides Significantly
4. Contains beta carotene, coynin and chlorophyll. Which is an anti -cancer substance There is research that can reduce the occurrence of oral cancer. In the population of this type of cancer
5. Contains amino acids, namethions to nourish the liver and can reduce the danger to the liver when receiving toxins.
6. High security Have researched toxicity And effect on pregnancy in an experimental animal And found to be safe
Spirulina Capsule, Giffarine seal, approximately important components in 1 capsule:
400 mg of spiral algae.
How to eat: Take 3-6 a day. Capsule after meal.
Warning: Read warnings on the label before consumption. No effect on prevention or treatment
Product code: 41002
Net volume: 50 capsules
Normal price: 268 baht


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