Price in points: 89 points
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Hikari Cichlid Bio Gold+

Effectively accelerated food Supplemented by probiotics Suitable for the fish group of meat. (Probiotics) enhance the efficiency of the digestive system and absorb nutrients. Causing the fish to have a good sub -system Can fully absorb
nutrients It also helps to encourage the immune system to work better.

helps accelerate color quickly. As a result of food containing high -level spaids,
and Astaxanthin In a form that aquatic animals can be easily used.

Fish can use nutrients efficiently. Therefore helps to reduce the amount of waste that excretion came out. More It also helps to reduce the burden of maintenance of the filter system.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po5Y4HWxndi

#Sinking fish food #Sink food #Fish #Food #Food, Fish Doctor, Sink #Fish food, small doctors #Sink small fish food #hikari


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