Matcha Latte, new recipe, delicious, full But less sugar than before, 40% sugar reduction formula

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Matcha Latte, new recipe, delicious, full But less sugar than before, 40%sugar reduction formula. The premium Matchak from Japan has the best smell and taste.
Planting in the shade. Through good care before harvesting Through crushed to get a smell of matcha powder And the unique flavor.
- 40% sugar reduction formula from the normal formula.
(Give 8 grams of sugar per pack)
- No cholesterol. Sedium selenium helps in the anti-oxidant process.
- Energy 70 kilocalories per pack. 330.55 grams

Number: 1 piece

>>>> How to eat Delicious, both hot and cold. Ice as you like. -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

Matcha Green Tea, Latte, Sweet Formula 1 Pack 15 sachets.

Helps to reduce obesity. With the mechanism of stimulating the oxidation of fat (Stimulants Fat Oxidation). There are research reports that have supported that EGCG extracts from green tea extracts. Helps increase energy metabolism Of fat membranes.

Helps in clogged veins. There are research reports that Important substances in green tea.
Can reduce the contraction of the capillaries. Reduce the occurrence of sediment (Plaque). Resulting in the incidence of muscle disease The heart is dead from the lack of blood. Inhibiting many types of cancer, both in humans and animals Because it has a lot of antioxidant effects.

Estimated important components in 1 sachet. 1 grams of Matcha green tea. Delicious, both hot and cold. Ice as you like.


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