Price in points: 590 points
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Narah (Nara), freshly squeezed vegetable juice (powder type)

4GRENS JUICE POWDER organic vegetable powder, toxic toxic blood cleaning.

Imported ingredients from America
Main properties • Clean the blood Keep the blood cells strong. • Helps to adjust the blood and tissue to be alkaline. • Wash toxic residues. Make the body clean. • Rich in enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for creating new cells. • Thus making the face bright. Clear skin

???? How to eat ????
Drink every day At least 1 spoon a day (1 gram) in the water about 200-250 ml. Or can be spinning with fruit juice. Will be morning or before bed * If you drink in the morning, you can replace coffee. Will be energetic. * Suggest to drink in a shake bottle to shake thoroughly.

❌ Not recommended in hot drinks. ❌

Product quality * Certified HACCP quality assurance system for production Dietary supplements from SGS (Thailand) Co., Ltd. * has received the GMP production standards.
* Received a "Halal" certificate by the Islamic Central Committee of Thailand.

Register Number 50-205359-2-0155

#Vegetable powder #Vegetable juice #Fresh vegetable juice #Nara #Narah herbs #narah #naraherb


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