Nicore Gum Gum 4mg 210 Pieces, Original Flavor Nicorette® Nicore

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Price in points: 2798 points
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Expiration date: 1 year or longer

(except In the event that the product expires within 12 months, the shop will specify the expiration date Then parked between the cheeks and gums When the tinglings disappear, start again until the symptoms return to repeat this step until most of the tinglings disappear (about 30 minutes). Do not eat or drink for 15 minutes before Om. The opportunity to use at least 9 pieces per day during the first 6 weeks. If you have severe or frequent appetite, you may use the second piece within an hour. If you are under 18 years of age, please consult a doctor before using this product. One Package of 210 Pieces of Nicorette 4 MG Nicotine Gum to quit Smoking - Original Unflavored Stop Smoking AidunFlavored Nicotine Gum That Help You Control Your Daily Nicotine INTAKEINT ARREDS ARE DORDS ARE DORDS ARRE DORTER and Oice to Reduces Cravings and withdrawal Symptomsnon-Coated And Unflavored Quitting Smoking Aids That Give You The please The Please Use at Least 9 Pieces Daily for the First Six Weeks of Your Quit Program with Behavioral Suportmade in USA


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