Organic brown rice, Hom Nilna, 5 kg 5, pack of organic brown rice from farmers directly Do not use chemicals completely in every production process.

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This set of organic rice, aromatic onions, consisting of 5 kilograms of brown rice, a total weight of 5 kilograms in one order. (Order one time, 5 packs)

Homylon -organic brown rice with antioxidants (Anti-Oxidant) 7 times higher than general brown rice, helping to reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diseases, including cancer. Reduce cholesterol Reduce the problem of obesity, blood, blood, blood poisoning.
Is one of the old species of black rice species in Thailand Is a rice that has a black color Not dyed at all Planted in the Lanna region in the north that has a fertile mountain soil. Cold weather Is a rice that has been selected until getting rice with long -slender brown rice seeds Dark purple to black, depending on the planting soil and weather. Brown rice, when cooked, will be soft, sticky, has a unique aroma, different from other colored rice. There are many benefits different from other colored rice. And the popular form is consumed is brown rice color Even more new brown rice during the latest planting season Will eat very soft rice So fragrant that you are fascinated But if going to buy rice that has been stored for a long time (Most of them are famous brands) will find a rigid rice that is hard ... beyond delicious, then will be scared by rice blame that it is a rice that is not tasty. Too hard ... Tips for eating Regardless of what kind of meal you eat If choosing to buy rice that has just been involved in the latest season And just a short color In order to eat soft rice More delicious than rice And the color is left for a long time.

Benefits of brown rice. (Anti-Oxidant) 7 times higher than general brown rice, helping to reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diseases, including cancer. Reduce cholesterol Reduce the problem of obesity, blood, blood, blood poisoning.
Anthocyanin (Anthocyanin) that helps the hair black. Soft, not cracked Helps to nourish the hair roots to stimulate the hair to be darker. Slow down the occurrence of gray hair. Reduce abnormalities in the end of menstruation. Slow down the deterioration of cells Stimulate the liver to create insulin.
Total B vitamins Prevent and relieve arm-legs without energy. Muscle pain Nourish the brain.
Vitamin B1 prevents beriberi. Helps the nervous system work. Helps the growth of bones and teeth.
Calcium Strong bones Prevent cramps
Copper Create blood seeds And Hemoglobin.
Iron The type is absorbed immediately (30 times higher than general brown rice). Prevent anemia.
Niasin Nourish the skin and nerves Prevents the disease of the mold (diarrhea Nervous)
Carbohydrates Providing energy to the body.
Protein 12.5% ​​(more than general brown rice) to strengthen the body. Repair the wear and tear.
Good fat. No cholesterol Helps to absorb vitamin A, D, E, K to help keep the body warm.
Fiber fibers Helps to excrete conveniently Prevent colon cancer.

* Information from: Kasetsart University, Mahidol University And biotech center. Nick, #Organic Agriculture, #Organic, #Jasmine rice, #Red Jasmine Rice, #Nil rice, #Health products, #Love health, #Health care, #Health,


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