Pigeon Pigeon, like a mini mother's milk, Peristaltic Nipple Mini for a narrow neck bottle, size M. Pack 4

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Price in points: 259 points
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4 pieces.
How to select Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Size, Milk, Milk, Mini Model (for Standardized Bottle)
S - Suitable for newborns - 3 months.
M - Suitable for Children aged 4-5 months or more.
Y - Suitable for children aged 6-7 months or more.
L - Suitable for children who need more milk volume through invented and in -depth research from consumers. By relying on medical tools and high -class science Until discovering the 3 -step swallowing process of the baby While sucking mother's milk And can develop the cork that makes the baby pushes the milk like a successful breast of the mother's chest. Design details, design to meet the natural milk procedures. Equal to the standard model Causing the baby to swallow comfortably, like sucking from the mother's chest.
Fit with the mouth of the stream.
High quality silicone. Heat resistant 120 ° C
highly flexible Makes it easy to suck and swallow. Helps to balance the air pressure inside the bottle. Reduce flatulence Makes you feel comfortable while sucking No problem. Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon, Milk Milk, Mini Model Size M Pack 4


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