Price in points: 1050 points
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1 box of pharotic plus with 15 sachets. Price 1050.-
Order 2 free boxes. 1 check glass.
Our Detox is different. Delicious. Easy to eat. Not only eating when not shooting Can eat continuously Focus on adjusting the body's work process completely. Drive various waste that negatively affects the body, blood, liver and skin, helping to detox, covering the body's function without Psyllium Husk, which causes stomach pain, does not twist and does not cause lazy intestines to not have a fiber, but use the prebiotic in the form. Fiber uses Prebiotic, which is Probiotic's food. The taste is like lemon tea. Delicious. Easy to eat. From inulin (People with diabetes can eat.) .Prerotic detox that takes care of our internal systems. Including the blood system, all parts of the intestines, liver, brain. 1 box. There are 15 sachets. Price 1050.-
Order 2 free boxes, 1 check glass.

???? 1. Program 14 days 1 box 1,050 ฿ is the 3 parts of our bodies in our body thoroughly. Which is different from general detox in the market that can only be done at the end of the intestines Suitable for everyone Because aside from getting a flat stomach Also prevents the risk of colon cancer as well. 2. Program 45 days 4 boxes 4,200 ฿ will detox all 5 systems in the body, the liver system, intestinal system, brain system, blood system and skin system. This program will help the entire body system. The result is a clean liver system, reducing the accumulation of villains. Reduce toxins in the blood, clear skin and sleep well. Very suitable for drinking cables. People with skin are not brighter, acne often often. People with high blood pressure and lipids ???? 3. Program 60 days 5 boxes 5,250 ฿ This program will strengthen immunity. Suitable for people who are sick easily, sensitive, weak body, easily tired, not refreshing. ???? 4. Program 90 days 7 boxes 7,350 ฿ is a new system adjustment in the body. Simply put, it is like getting a new body. The skin will be bright. The weight is reduced because the digestive system and the absorption system improve, causing the body to lighter, bad breath, the body odor is reduced. Choose to eat according to the program that is suitable for us. Eating the program No need to eat every day. Eating 1 sachet a day before bed.


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