Price in points: 500 points
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Product Details Real Elixir Cal-Cal Plus Vit D, K 60 tablets Better Maintain the balance of calcium in the blood. Vitamin K also helps to enhance calcium to work better with proteins. And can help with the symptoms of menopause. Blood and bone Therefore, the work of vitamin D and calcium helps to strengthen. Strong bones and teeth Like the balance of calcium in the blood is in a normal state For women who are menopause The body will lose a lot of calcium. As for vitamin K It helps calcium to work better with protein.
Real Elixir Cal-Cal Plus Vit D, K is suitable for

For those who are in a state of lack of calcium, such as children who are growing up to 30 years old, menopause women. People who like to consume coffee or like to smoke.
How to eat.

Eaten with 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.
Real Elixir Cal-Cal Plus Vit D, K

1 bottle contains Real Elixir Cal-Cal Plus Vit D, K 60 tablets.
Real Elixir Cal-Cal Plus Vit D, K

FDA number 10-1-01949-1-0045
#real #realelixir #bones


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