Rice coated "Clear vegetables" mixed with organic cereals, soft, fragrant, delicious, easy to cook, without chemicals, high vitamins can be eaten but 6 months

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Vegetable rice "Kale" mixed with cereals

... soft, fragrant, delicious, easy to cook ... very high vitamins. Clear vegetables, carrots, pumpkins, with grains, Quinea, black sesame, white sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds with food innovations that can maintain nutrients. 100% colorful vitamins from natural fruits and vegetables, easy to cook, soft, fragrant, suitable for children and everyone who loves health. Preservatives are available in 5 flavors.

Personal benefits Clear:
High vitamin K (6 times higher than all vegetables) to help nourish the blood Good to the brain cell
high vitamin C Helps to prevent Enhance immunity to the body.
High potassium. Helps the body system work normally.
High calcium helps nourish the bones and teeth. Rice 1: 1.5 water (no need to leave the water)
can cook in a rice cooker or use a steaming pot.
(1 pack can be eaten 4 -5 meals).


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