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Product features
Welness Spiral ... for good health in the long run.
With the current way of life that is full of hurry Resulting in life changes Whether it is a lack of exercise Rarely have time to rest Eating non -value food Or have low benefits such as fast food, soda, ready -made food For example, resulting in the body lack of nutrients, lack of balance, lack of immunity. Which is the cause of various diseases Therefore, the body receives all useful nutrients. Will be one way to take care of the body as well Which has a nutrient that is said Is an ideal food, that is, Spirulina seaweed It is said that it is a source of nutrients more than nutrients in the world.
What is Spirulina (Spirulina), Spirulina, also known as Spiral Seaweed Is a single cell Classified in the blue-green algae (Blue-Green Algae) is a species of Plancensis, the best species. Which provides a high level of chlorophyll and is also rich in algae, 60-70% protein protein, essential fatty acids Vitamins and minerals Including many other nutrients that are beneficial to the body, value and benefits of Spirulina 1. Repair the wear and tear of the body for strength and strengthen immunity with protein obtained from Spirulina, which is a source that provides up to 60-70% of protein, rich in many amino acids. There are many benefits such as
- ISOLEUCINE: necessary for growth Helps to repair skin muscles.
- Leucine: Stimulate the brain. Increase the muscles.
- Lysine: Strengthening growth. Build immunity for the body and immune system. Resulting in a strong circulatory system. Therefore can maintain the liver And is an anti -stress Resulting in a relaxing nerves. That is necessary for the metabolism of the body.
- Threonoine: Helps to strengthen the growth of the body. Especially the digestive system To have better digestion and absorption Helps to prevent the capture of liver fat. Resulting in better nerve cells and work Helps to relieve stress and cause peace and calm.
- Valine: Stimulate the operation of the emotional control system. And coordination of muscle systems 2. Helps to strengthen and restore the freshness of the body because in the Spirulina algae Will give Phycocyanin and Polysaccharide, which stimulates the production of red blood cells and white blood cells Therefore helps to strengthen immunity. 3. Helps to create red blood cells Prevent anemia Because it is rich in iron and folic acid. 4. Helps to balance the spray algae system. It is also a Dietary Fiber and chlorophyll. Relieve constipation 5. Helps to nourish the Spirulina nervous system, rich in vitamins, B1, B2, B6, B12, so it can help prevent beriberi. 6. Prevent high blood cholesterol Coronary artery disease by Spirulina There is gamma Leno Laneic acid (GLA), which is the essential fatty acid of the body. That helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which is the cause of the said disease. 7. Nourishes the eyes, preventing retina, deterioration In the spaulina algae, it is considered a source of carrotenoids. Especially beta carotene Which will be a substance that provides vitamin A Which is beneficial to the eyes 8. Other values ​​of Spirulina There are still many, such as calcium to protect against osteoporosis. Still rich in antioxidants Such as vitamin E beta carotene, zinc, manganese, silicium, which helps to fight free radicals that destroy the cells of the body and also have properties that protect the skin to sunlight. And also helps to slow down wrinkles as well. Spirulina is suitable for who?
- People who want to take care of the body health Increase the strength of the body, working adults, students, athletes.
- People who lack nutrients Or not eating all the food 5 groups each day.
- People who are tired Patients with recovery distance
- People with digestive problems
- People with gastrointestinal problems Indigestion
- People who regularly drink alcohol. And the body has a defective metabolism process Resulting in the elderly lack of nutrients and fatigue occurs.
- People who eat vegetarian
- People who want to control weight. Lina Rich in 100% pure spray seaweed, selected from Siam Alig Japan, which is one of the most high quality spaida ingredients. With Japanese standards Through the process of pellets without mixing additives Maintain the full granulated spaids.

Important components. Registration of Halal Kor. Kor. K725/25620

How to eat: Eat 3 tablets 3 times a day before half an hour before food.

Warning: Children and pregnant women Should eat No effect on prevention or treatment.

Caution when eating algae Especially those in the following groups, people who are pregnant or those who are breastfeeding Should not eat spaida algae Since it is not clear whether it will be safe or affecting the mother or baby or not, patients with allergic immunity, such as SLE, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Because eating algae Spirulina may stimulate the immune system to work more. Phenyto -numeria patients. Because the phenyl Alnine found in Spirulina algae May make the symptoms worse. Those who are in the immune system, such as Azaithi, Preene Basilic, Cycolic, Purin, Milo, Moboline, Talimas Dennisan Corticosteroids, etc., because eating spaulina algae together with such drugs may stimulate immunity and affect the efficiency of the drug.


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