Xvive O1 Tube Squasher by Millionhead, Overdrive guitar effect, vintage kidney, easy to use, easy to carry. Durable and compact

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Price in points: 1890 points
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FET-Based Overdrive Circuitry Allows The Tube Squasher to RealisticLly Emulators The Smooth Overdrive.When Playing, Its Sound is Like a Tube Sound, OverDrive, Vintage, Easy Easy to carry. Durable and compact with Level, Drive button and Low Cut switch can be adjusted as needed, thick, soft, but powerful and similar to the original sound. A great dynamic response with LED lights to specify the O1 Tube Squasher Designed by Thomas Blued REVED OREVED ORDRIVITRY CIRCUITYLITICILITICITICIILITELITES THE SMOTHACSICSS of A GOD VACUSICSS. Its Sound is Like a Tube Sound. The Tube Squasher is a very powerful tone-shaping tool and an internal supply Voltage Step-Up Whatment More Dynamic Range and Headroom With Tight Bass. Drive and Great Clean Boost.

Features: FET-Based Overdrive Circuitry Allows The Tube Squasher to Realistative EmulalettHe Smooth Overdrive Character of A Good Vacuum TUMP. and Feel. The Tube Squasher is a very powerful tone-shaping tool. An Internal Supply Voltage Step-Up Allows More Dynamic Range and Headroomwith Tight Bass Tones.


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